Mafia 2 3DS Max UV Helper Script
Русский /
Скрипт для 3ds Max версии 9 и выше. Позволяет автоматически восстановить текстурные координаты у выбранных объектов. Конвертировать объекты из Мафии 2 в 3ds Max можно с помощью 3DRipper DX.
Как использовать:
— открыть скрипт в 3ds Max командой Run Script
— выделить объект (или несколько объектов)
— нажать на кнопку Repair texture UV.
10 thoughts on “Mafia 2 3DS Max UV Helper Script”
Спасибо большое!!! 😀
I can not add textures
3D Ripper DX not working on 64bit windows ??? OMG
What do you mean not working? What a you doing?
Its working but still i have problems with textures, always i import model in .dae but without textures 🙁 Im beginer in 3D max
You should put the textures on objects by your self, because not all games supporting auto-applying of textures when you import *.3dr file. Why you using 3dripper on mafia2?
But i not use 3d ripper buti extract model from game and open in max, and textures i extract with sds extractor in same folder and max dont load i need small tutorial how open model with loaded textures
Like i said «You should put the textures on objects by your self»!!
1 — open 3ds max
2 — open material editor (Rendering -> Material Editor)
3 — drag-n-drop any texture files (*.dds) from explorer to any sphere in mat. editor
4 — drag-n-drop sphere from mat. editor to any object into the scene (3ds max viewport)
or you can look at this tutorial
OH its easy thanks lot 🙂
I need to know which textures are used within each Dae